Freedom - Photo by Olga: https://www.pexels.com/photo Last night, even though I went to bed at my usual time, I found it hard to actually fall asleep. I wasn’t sure what time I was finally asleep, but for sure I was still awake the next hour. Therefore, I expected that this morning, after a restless night, I would wake up a bit later, or at least at my usual time, given the lack of sleep. But no, I woke up an hour earlier than usual. Mathematically, actually I spent roughly the same amount of time sleeping as I normally do, despite the rocky start the night before. Yet, the difference in how I felt today was striking. Yesterday, I woke up with a heaviness that lingered in both my mind and my heart, but today, I woke up with a profound sense of gratitude and lightness. It felt as if I had been reborn. like I was starting a fresh, new chapter in my life. What changed? I think the Sedona Method I practiced the day before worked its usual magic. This method, if you’re not...