Morning Habit -
Photo by Aphiwat chuangchoem: https://www.pexels.com

This happened some time last month. On that day, I remembered waking up way too early. Unlike my usual sluggish mornings, I instinctively went straight to the bathroom, washed up, and did my morning prayer. Then, I returned to bed, snuggled under my duvet, and planned to steal another hour of rest before heading out for my morning walk. As I lay there, a realization hit me: something had changed in me. The way I started my mornings felt different.

At first, I was confused. Why did I rush off to the bathroom the moment I woke up? That wasn’t how I normally did things. I usually spent a few minutes (still on my bed) greeting good morning to God and thank Him for the great night sleep, then did the same thing to my body. But that morning? What happened to me?

While thinking about that, suddenly, like a floodgate opening, memories from my past came rushing back. They were memories of my 9-to-5 life that I had left nearly nine years ago.

"Oh my God... Is that how my life used to be?" I found myself whispering in astonishment. I had completely forgotten how I lived my life back then. So, I let my mind take a gentle stroll down memory lane.

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I guess it wasn’t just during my 9-to-5 job, this had been my routine for years. Every morning, I’d wake up, drag myself to the bathroom, shower, pray, and then head to school or work. On weekends or holidays, it was the same script, with slight variations: wake up, wash up, pray, then crawl back into bed. A never-ending loop. A cycle so ingrained in me that it became second nature, something I never questioned.

Only now do I realize how robotic I had been in living my life, programmed in automatization.

Just like watching a movie on TV, I paused that picture in my head. For a few moments, I felt frozen in time, caught between my past self and my present reality. That abrupt, automatic routine of waking up and heading to the bathroom mirrored my past so vividly. It made me understand why life had felt so empty back then, despite being busy with work, surrounded by friends, and fulfilling my spiritual obligations, something was missing.

Back then, I believed that was just how life was supposed to be. And I know I’m not alone. Many of us have walked this path: living life as we are taught, following a structured routine, believing we are on the "right" track. But in doing so, we lose the essence of truly living.

As I reflected on this, a deep sense of compassion for my younger self enveloped me. I replayed moments of my past, observing that version of me who moved through life mechanically, unaware of the richness that presence brings. My heart ached with empathy, and in my mind, I embraced my younger self.

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I remember the emptiness I felt back then. No matter how much time I spent with friends, family, or even in solitude with God, something always felt hollow. I was existing, not living.

Years have passed since those days, and my heart swells with gratitude for the journey that brought me here. Today, life feels different. I feel God’s love, presence, and guidance in ways I never did before. I feel connected to myself, to my body, to my surroundings. Conversations with loved ones feel richer. Simple moments bring joy. I feel alive.

And now I understand: that moment (the one that transported me back in time) was God’s gentle reminder. A reminder to stay grounded, to be present, to be grateful. A reminder to embrace my past self with love, and to never take this newfound awareness for granted.

That morning, after my brief "robotic relapse," I returned to the ritual that now shapes my mornings. I greeted God, thanking Him for a peaceful, restful night. I expressed gratitude to my body for working tirelessly to restore and rejuvenate itself. I snuggled into my duvet, whispering thanks to my bed for the comfort it provided. Sometimes, my gratitude extended to the weather, to my home for keeping me safe, to my mind for allowing me to wake up in peace.

It may take a few minutes, but this ritual of gratitude and connection is essential for me. It grounds me, reminding me of the beauty of presence. It’s a warmth that lingers, like waking up next to a loved one, feeling nothing but happiness and appreciation.

So here’s my gentle nudge to you: Take a moment. Breathe. Appreciate. Life isn’t just about routines and responsibilities. It’s about presence, connection, and gratitude. It’s about feeling alive.

How do you start your mornings? Perhaps today is a good day to pause and truly embrace the beauty of waking up.


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