A Journey of Life - 
Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR: https://www.pexels.com

The other day, I found myself at a crossroads. I felt this calling — a nudge from somewhere deep inside me — telling me to take a specific action. It wasn’t anything grand, just something that I knew could push me out of my comfort zone. But then, resistance hit me like a ton of bricks. I’m talking about fear, doubt, and overthinking. My brain, in full analytical mode, labeled it as ego manipulation: a ploy to convince me I needed to do this to gain something, all while masking it as a brave move to confront my fear.

I’m sure many of you have been there. You’ve felt that internal tug-of-war between what feels like intuition and the fear-soaked voice in your head telling you to pause. It’s frustrating, confusing, and, honestly, exhausting. Was this really my intuition trying to guide me, or was it my ego, cleverly disguised, trying to exploit my insecurities?

For days, I pondered this. What if it really is a call? I thought. Will I lose momentum if I don’t answer? Will ignoring it make me less attuned to my intuition the next time it speaks? Those questions spiraled in my mind, fueling my indecision.

Related Article: Let Them, Let Me, Let God: Finding Peace in Conflict

Breaking Through Resistance

In the end, I knew I had to address the resistance head-on. So, I decided to approach my fear compassionately. Instead of trying to fight it, I welcomed it. I mentally invited all the doubts, fears, and mental roadblocks to the table and sat with them. I didn’t rush to push them away. Instead, I thanked my fear for trying to protect me. I told it, “It’s okay. I appreciate you, but I’m safe now.”

Something remarkable happened. Slowly, that heavy resistance started to melt away. I felt lighter, freer, as though the act of acknowledging and thanking my fear disarmed its power. Have you ever tried this? It’s not instant magic, but it works wonders when you approach your emotions with kindness instead of hostility.

Taking the Leap

By day five, I had mustered enough courage to take the plunge. Shaking off my doubts, I acted on the call. And guess what? It was fine. In fact, it was better than fine. All those catastrophic outcomes I’d envisioned never came true. The worst-case scenarios were just fear's false promises.

But here’s the thing: After all that, I realized that this action wasn’t quite right for me, at least not right now. Sure, I survived it. I even learned from it. But in reflecting on my experience, I felt strongly that continuing on this path might distract me from my bigger purpose. It felt like a risk of veering into ego territory, feeding ambitions that weren’t aligned with my true self.

Related Article: How to Stop Replaying the Past and Move Forward

The Takeaway: It’s About the Process

So, was it intuition or ego? Honestly, I’m still not sure. But what I do know is this:

  1. Releasing Resistance is Key. Facing fear with compassion and gratitude was transformative. When we resist our resistance, we create a battle. When we embrace it, we find peace.

  2. Clarity Takes Time. Sometimes, the only way to figure out whether it’s a call from intuition or ego manipulation is to try it out. And that’s okay! What matters is staying in tune with yourself and being honest about what feels right afterward.

  3. Purpose Over Ego. When you align with your deeper purpose, it’s easier to see whether an action supports that alignment or strays from it.

For now, I’m taking it slow. I’m letting this experience teach me how to recognize and honor my intuition while staying mindful of my true purpose. It’s a journey, and I’m learning to trust myself through it all.

To anyone reading this who’s also struggling with similar decisions, I hope my story offers some comfort. You’re not alone in the confusion, and the answers aren’t always clear. Just remember to be kind to yourself, take it step by step, and keep listening. Clarity will come when the time is right.

What about you? Have you ever wrestled with the difference between intuition and ego? How did you find your way forward? Share your thoughts in the comments — I’d love to hear your perspective!


  1. Aaa, thank you for sharing this! I'm still trying to figure out whether this is my intuition or my ego. But when something doesn't align with my values or beliefs, I try to step back and convince myself: Let's make a decision and be a risk-taker! Don't be afraid! I'm still learning this :')


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