Relax and unwind - 
Photo by Viktoria Alipatova:

It’s finally raining again this morning. I turned my body away from my desk to face the door that I had opened, letting the cool, soothing breeze drift in. A wide smile stretched across my face as I whispered a heartfelt thank you to the rain for coming by to see us again. After the blazing heat of yesterday’s relentless sun, the rain felt like a balm for my soul, a welcome companion that seemed to wash away the lingering weight of all those jarring construction noises still replaying in my mind.

I stared at my computer screen, a single sentence typed there, and then, without hesitation, I turned it off. Why would I let work keep me tethered indoors when such a rare and precious moment awaited outside? I felt a tinge of silliness at my earlier dedication but quickly let it go. This morning rain was a gift, an invitation to pause, to breathe, to simply be.

In no time, I was in the kitchen, brewing myself a fresh cup of coffee. That first sip, the warmth of it matching the rhythmic pitter-patter outside, was blissful. I stepped onto the porch, holding my mug close, and allowed myself to settle into the moment. 

Also read: A Simple Morning Practice That Will Change How You See Life

“Everything else can wait,” I gently whispered to myself. This was my romantic ‘me time’—just me and the rain. No phone, no schedule, no demands. Only the sound of droplets and the soothing embrace of this natural symphony. I silently thanked the rain again for its visit, its serenity sinking into me like a much-needed hug.

In the stillness, my mind began to wander. “Is this what retirement feels like?” I mused. A life where your day flows to the rhythm of your heart rather than the dictations of a clock or a to-do list? A life where you listen to your body and honor what it needs instead of pushing it through yet another rigid routine for the sake of ambition?

At that moment, my mind stumbled across Jane Voronkova’s YouTube channel, where she shares her journey of early retirement in Bali (I believe she is a Singaporean) and how fulfilling her life has become since stepping off the corporate treadmill. Watching her videos had been like hearing someone articulate thoughts I’d only whispered to myself. Her stories inspired me, her philosophy resonated deeply, especially today.

It made me reflect on how much my own life has shifted since I walked away from the 9-to-5 grind. Back then, every day felt like a blur, and moments like this morning which is quiet, meaningful, drenched in gratitude were unheard of. Now, life feels fresh, unhurried, deeply alive. It's like I’ve peeled back a heavy curtain and, for the first time, I’m truly seeing and savoring the world.

Also read: The Liberation I Didn't Know I Needed

But then, it got me thinking. When Jane talks about early retirement, she frames it as stepping away from traditional corporate work. If that’s the definition, then maybe I’ve already retired, except it doesn’t feel like an ending. On the contrary, it feels like I’m just starting. I’m still working, of course, but it’s not the same kind of work. It’s work that excites me, that feels like an extension of who I am, that ignites my creativity instead of draining it.

Perhaps the word “retirement” isn’t quite right for what I’ve done. It’s more like I’ve retired from society’s scripted version of how to live that relentless chase for titles, paychecks, and metrics of success that never really seemed to fit. Instead, I’ve stepped into my own rhythm, my own story. I’ve stopped merely existing, and I’ve started living.

This morning rain feels like a metaphor for all of it. A cool, calming reminder to pause and appreciate the simplest, most overlooked joys. To allow myself the freedom to be, to sip coffee, to listen to the rain, to write only if the words feel right, and to leave the rest undone without guilt.

So here’s my invitation to you: What’s your rain? What moments whisper to you, asking you to slow down and feel alive again? It might not look like early retirement or leaving your job, it could be something as small as saying no to an extra task, carving out an hour for your favorite hobby, or simply watching the rain instead of rushing to the next thing.

These moments matter. They remind us that life isn’t just about productivity or milestones. It’s about feeling, experiencing, and embracing the beauty of being alive. Don’t wait for retirement to live your real life. Find it in the small pauses, in the little choices. And, when the rain visits, let it remind you—you’re allowed to stop and savor every drop.


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