What if you are exactly where you are meant to be?
What if right now is the only option?
What if this was your only timeline?
And what if you could trust that everything is divinely orchestrated? Divinely timed?
So, spend this belief for just one minute.
If you knew that.
If your life biography, the chapters of your story
Were divinely timed
And were chosen for you, by you.
If you knew that,
Wouldn’t you just live?
Wouldn’t you just trust?
Live without fear
Live without worries.
Live without regrets and what ifs.
Now, imagine if you feel that every day.
Imagine if every day you woke up and thought,
“What do I have to lose?”
This life is here for the taking.
And I’m gonna try everything.
And play with everything.
And see what feels fun and what feels good.
Coz when bad things happen,
And they inevitably will,
Instead of “Why me?”
You’d ask yourself, “What can I gain from this?”
“What can I learn from this?”
“What can I take away from this experience?”
Maybe it makes you stronger, wiser, and more resilient.
Maybe it makes you the powerful being that you are right now.
You can’t do anything in this life wrong.
Nothing can be messed up.
There’s no timeline missed out on.
No person that you missed out on.
Trust yourself.
Let the pebbles fall freely from your palm.
And allow them to fall where they may.
And know that you are right on time.
There’s no need to rush.
When you are exactly on time.
Right on schedule.
There’s no need to rush.
When you are exactly on time.
Let go of the reigns.
And trust in your divine life unfolding.
(Helena Woods)
Photo by Liz Sanchez-Vegas on Unsplash
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